Meet Our Team

Del Prudhomme - Fitness One Stop - Lake Charles, Louisiana Meal Prep


What’s your position at Fitness One Stop?


What made you want to get into health & fitness?

For me it was the death of my grandmother. She raised me from an infant that slept in a shoe box beside her bed to a grown man. When she died from complications from diabetes I decided that I didn’t want to go through that myself nor see anyone else go through it as well.  I became a certified personal trainer, sports nutrition specialist, and a pain free movement(corrective exercise) specialist.  I was then trained by the head chef of a popular local restaurant on cooking techniques.  I did all of this to achieve my goal of helping people live their best life.

What challenges do you see in the way of Americans being healthier?

Well we all have our own personal challenges, but I believe that the food industry can do a better job. To me it makes little sense for healthy food to be expensive but food that will drive your healthcare cost up are cheap. That’s a problem. So we set out to offer healthier food at fast food prices.

If you could visit anywhere where would it be?

That’s tough because I want to travel and see everything! I wouldn’t mind space travel! If you have better suggestions I'm game.  I'm not good at talking about myself so people have to ask me something specific.